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nicotine patch

n. An adhesive patch, affixed to the skin, that slowly diffuses nicotine into the bloodstream; used by people who are trying to quit smoking

Nicotine patch

A nicotine patch is a transdermal patch that releases nicotine into the body through the skin. It is used as an aid in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), a process for smoking cessation.

Usage examples of "nicotine patch".

He rubbed his right hand over what she recognized as a nicotine patch stuck to the bubblelike bicep of his left arm, then reached the hand into his mouth and pulled out a wet wad of Nicorette chewing gum.

Then she'd peeled off her nicotine patch, preferring outright withdrawal to having to explain its presence on her body.

I notice she's wearing a nicotine patch on her upper arm, something she's tried before.

And my friend Marilyn Truro at the DMV was on her third double decaf latte, wondering if it would help if she added a second nicotine patch to the one she already had on her arm, thinking it would feel really good to be able to choke the next person in line.

Mickey's wife, Francine, got a nicotine patch the week before, and now Mickey wasn't allowed to consume tar in their apartment.

Karla said that the transdermal nicotine patch was invented just over the hill, on Page Mill Road, near the Interval Research Corporation headquarters.

Erase the tattoos and the nicotine patch and she resembled one of those tranquil Flemish Madonnas, the ubiquitous Christ child replaced by a hacking pug.

I decided that maybe the nicotine patch she was wearing had backfired or something, sending pure, unadulterated carbon monoxide into her bloodstream.